We support young female entrepreneurs in Morocco
A pressing problem in Morocco is high youth unemployment. 26.5 percent of 15-24 year olds and 15.4 percent of 25-34 year olds are out of work. 45.1 per cent of young women who are unemployed have not previously attended school or received any training. For them, the chances on the labour market are particularly bad and thus also the possibility of living self-determined and independent lives. In this respect, the situation is particularly bad in rural areas. We are determined to change that! With our latest project MICRO-ENTREPRENEURSHIP FOR YOUNG WOMEN. We support young women in rural areas to start their own business and accompany them on their way from the first idea to its realisation.

Our MICRO-ENTREPRENEURSHIP is an innovative approach to improve the economic integration of women between the ages of 18 and 45 in rural areas of Morocco. We take into account the specificities of the region in which we operate and will pave a path to financial independence for the women living there through training, skills development and support in starting a business. The scope of our programme is divided into three areas: Motivation – developing an idea for their own business, Skills – developing skills and training in managing a business, Start-up support – assisting with the realisation of the business and supporting its sustainable implementation.

As we have 10 years of experience in the arts and crafts sector in Morocco, we initially focus on start-up ideas in this sector. In Phase 1 of our programme, we support 50 young women over six months to start a business, in particular by providing them with training on how to create viable economic activities in industries with potential. In Phase 2, we coach 10 to 15 women individually to turn their ideas into reality. We accompany them for up to two years and beyond the creation of their own business on issues such as financing, starting and growing a business.