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10 years of alphabetization programs and 10 years of pre-school for three to six-year-olds – in March, Andrea Bury and the ABURY Foundation team celebrated the birthday of the school founded by ABURY with music and dance together with the villagers in the Berber village of Douar Anzal in Morocco.

The highlight of the festivities was our visit to the school, where the girls from the ABURY TEENAGE GIRLS CLUB had just finished their English lessons and enthusiastically talked about their progress and their plans for the future. The motivation of these girls was palpable and it was nice to see that the ABURY TEENAGE GIRLS CLUB is already a reality. As a surprise, all the girls received a t-shirt as a gift, which they immediately proudly wore. Lots of inspiration for further plans and ideas for expanding the school program.

Why are we involved in education in Africa?

Most countries in Africa have an extremely young population combined with a high unemployment rate among young people. So we start with young people in order to prevent later unemployment with the help of educational programs.

Because they cannot find a permanent job, more than 40 percent of women in Africa are self-employed. They often lack the necessary knowledge to run their business successfully and sustainably. That is why we also teach adult women in various educational and economic programmes, supporting them on their way to financial independence and self-reliance. This kind of promotion is more important in Africa than ever before and offers a great opportunity in the fight against poverty and unemployment.

In addition to our pre-school for three to six-year-olds and our literacy program for women, which also teaches basic IT knowledge using donated laptops, two other projects are particularly important to us:


We believe that empowered girls become strong women who strengthen their families, their communities and their nation. That’s why we founded the ABURY TEENAGE GIRLS CLUB in Douar Anzal and neighboring villages. We support girls between the ages of 13 and 17 with an initiative that empowers girls to become active themselves, develop self-confidence and become a strong voice for integration, equal opportunities and democracy.

For more information on the ABURY TEENAGE GIRLS CLUB, click here.

BECOMING NALA: The entrepreneurial sisterhood – a digital networking platform for women in Rwanda

Rwandan women need access to information on the path to entrepreneurship. The hybrid matching platform and community BECOMING NALA offers exchange, training, inspiration, networking and mentorship. Mentors (big sisters) support mentees (startup sisters) and can learn from each other and benefit from each other’s experiences. Our vision: The first step is Rwanda, then many other countries should follow.

For more information about BECOMING NALA, click here.

We are happy about every donation for our women empowerment projects via Paypal.

Or directly to our bank account:

ABURY Foundation gGmbH

gls bank

IBAN: DE26 4306 0967 1122 9839 00


Thank you very much!